Bridging Science & Consciousness

Ancient Wisdom & Unified Physics

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Upcoming & Recent Events

Keys to the Kingdom

Live in Scottsdale Arizona
with Adam Apollo

Adam Apollo is coming to the Phoenix area to lead a special deep dive on a series of topics that are profoundly relevant to our time, and the current global transformations underway. Discover fundamental principles that shape our reality and unlock your potential in this rare and groundbreaking event.

Discover how to directly sense and feel the quantum field of energy and explore the fundamentals of reality in a life-changing way.

Learn about Apollo’s breakthroughs in Unified Physics, explaining psychic abilities, akashic memory, and how all is connected.

Explore the science of past-lives, and get practical Past-Life Integration techniques to unlock skills, abilities, and resolve old patterns and upgrade your Soul path.  +++ MORE!


Announcing the Premier Edition of The Dragon Key, Adam Apollo’s new book. Dive into a journey through past-life recall experiences shared by many people, and explore ancient galactic history through the Author’s personal lens. Learn about the science of past-life recall, and dive into a life changing adventure full of adventure, romance, and galactic technologies.

“The truth is always stranger than fiction, and this collection of past-life stories gathered by Apollo and friends are more epic than the best Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and the hottest Romance novels combined…” 

Private & Group Sessions Available

with Adam Apollo

The world is going through a Spiritual Crisis, and each of us are experiencing a part of this fractal flowering within ourselves.

What ways are you facing your edges
right now?

The great passages of transformation and transmutation are different for each of us. Some are challenged by a lack of purpose, while others feel constrained by finances, and others deeply struggle with their sexuality or relationships. 

What challenges have arisen to challenge you to be your best self? 

In times like this, seeking guidance can unlock the doors to move forward, as we make an offering to our own Divinity in another to reflect to us the wisdom and grace we seek within ourselves to launch forward in our lives.

Whatever your passage looks like,
I’m here to help. 

Join me online for virtual sessions where we drop in and identify the roots of your deepest growth edges, and define and expand the powerful gifts you have to rise to the next level. I can also come to you, and we drop in for a life-changing weekend of advanced D’Jedi training in magic, metaphysics, energy arts, martial arts, tantric practices, bodywork, sexual healing, life hacks, or other profoundly transformational practicum for massive upgrades.

Love All Ways, Always Love

Resonance Academy

Initial Systems Architect &
Unified Physics Legacy Faculty
Unified Science Course M3+M4
Quantum Geometry Course

Guardian Alliance

Academy Founder & Architect
Lead Faculty & Course Author
Community Development
Systems Administration

Enlightened Tech

Architecting Open-Source
systems for individual
sovereignty and planetary

Galactic Ambassador

Exopolitical Presentations
Star Nation Representation
Technological Disclosure
Direct Contact Protocol

Focus: Peace

Projects to create
a more peaceful
and sustainable
global community.