Friday March 13th, 2009 ::: 2pm – 8pm
Integrative Studies in Energetic Metaphysics
A Life Changing and Enhancing Exploration Including:
I-Ching and the Nature of the Timespace Experience
Feng Shui and Balancing Life through Directionality
Polarity and the Art of Divine Partnership
Tuning and Healing the Chakras with Astrology
Saturday: March 14th, 2009 ::: 2pm – 8pm
Jedi Techniques for Enhancing Energy Intuition
A Fundamentals Course for Community Guardianship:
Physical Sensing and Feeling Energy Flows
Tuning Energy for Specific Magical Purposes
Clearing and Dissolving Energies and Spells
Creating Circles, Wards, and Fields of Force
Moving Energy inside and outside the Body
Community Healings and Transformations
Sunday: March 15th, 2009 ::: 2pm – 6pm
Introduction to the Galactic Council
An Evening Primer on Extraterrestrial Relations
Galactic Earth Relations in History and Present
Personal Experiences of Confirmation
2012 and the Steps to a Free and Healthy Planet
The Galactic Council and other Planetary Cultures
Single Day Admission Offering: $44
Two Day Admission Offering: $77
Three Day Admission Offering: $99