Friday March 13th, 2009 ::: 2pm – 8pm Integrative Studies in Energetic Metaphysics A Life Changing and Enhancing Exploration Including: I-Ching and the Nature of the Timespace Experience Feng Shui and Balancing Life through Directionality Polarity and the Art of...
Friday March 13th, 2009 ::: 2pm – 8pm Integrative Studies in Energetic Metaphysics A Life Changing and Enhancing Exploration Including: I-Ching and the Nature of the Timespace Experience Feng Shui and Balancing Life through Directionality Polarity and the Art of...
As I cross through the threshold Entering this shortest day Passing this longest night My mind travels through dimensions Reflecting the myriad crystals of Eternity Their beauty and perfection is Breathtaking And the story of the greatest years on Earth Resonates my...
Deeply Quickly Falling into the Storm Spun like a Hurricane Left dizzy A Strong Drink Intoxicating by smell Hallucinating in taste A purr to the touch Blinding Light Refracted in Brilliant Purpose Scintillating through Myriad Medicines Piercing a quiet Heart Slow...
Blood of the Ancient Ladder to the Divine Curling Serpents Medicine Entwined From Stars to Planets A Galactic Nexus Unfolds The Cosmic Serpent Breathes And Spacetime Rolls Toroid Curtains Smoke Ringing the Fabric Coalescing Crystals In the Candle’s Wick Light...