Some foundational work in magick, martial arts, guardianship, occult studies, energy work, holistic healing, or participation in “Jedi Training Level I” or “Galactic Ambassador Initiations” is highly recommended, though not required to take these courses.
::: Guardians of Destiny :::
:Training Intensive (Level II):
Boulder CO, January 8th-9th 2010
Forget what you think you know. Let go of your mind, and let your Heart flow freely through each layer of your Being, and into the Physical. To allow the fullness of yourself into this moment is to cultivate Presence. This is the Heart of the Jedi.
We will be doing advanced Energetic Exchanges, including Martial Applications, Swordform Arts, Chromomancy, and High Magick Studies. These practices will intersect Divination discussion, Sigil Development and Spellcraft, as well as Dynamic Warding and protective techniques.
Practical Divination through I-Ching & Tarot
Feng Shui & Spacial Configuration
Advanced Energetic Exchanges
Sigil Development & Spellcraft
Chromomancy & High-Magic
Energy Flow Management
Martial Applications
Dynamic Warding
Swordform Arts
And More…
Friday ::: Opening at 6:00pm, Closing at 10:00pm
Saturday ::: Opening Circle at 2:00pm, Closing at 8:00pm
$144 Offering Requested for Reservation and Registration
PayPal using the Schedule Button on this Page
or Contact Adam Apollo for other arrangements
See Location Below
::: Galactic Earth :::
:Training Intensive (Level II):
Boulder CO, January 10th 2010
This training is designed for those who have completed the Galactic Earth Intensive Level I, and are ready to pursue deeper studies into telepathic contact, confirming exchanges, and interacting with ships. We will be learning the fundamentals of building a medicine wheel to create Earth Portals, and practicing telepathic communication. We will learn some tools to aid in developing your capacity for translation, and play more advanced Star Language games. Galactic Technologies will be explored in more depth, and full question and answer sessions we be available for further exploration.
Sunday ::: Opening Circle at 2:00pm, Closing at 8:00pm
$111 Offering Requested for Registration
PayPal using the Schedule Button on this Page
or Contact Adam Apollo for other arrangements
::: Location :::
9535 N 63rd St
Longmont, CO 80503