The act of stepping outside the observation of Space-Time itself, is the act of stepping into the Eternal Potential. From the state of the Infinite Everything, one returns to the Nothing. Similar to the form of a Phi Spiral, where does the 9 begin, and where does it...
Everything, Self – 1. Nothing – 0. Being the One, perceiving the Nothing; both are present, inseparable, and are Beyond Experience and Observation, but are still Conscious, as Self.
Self – 1. Everything Else – 1. Being the One, perceiving the Infinite Potential of nothingness becoming existence, the Other is suddenly present. In this moment, the Self is seen to be One of something that is more than One. There is another One, which is...
Sphere: 4 Dimensional Position 3 Dimensional Spacetime Dodecagram: Vector Equilibrium Form Spacetime Dimensional Equilibrium 12-Simplex Self – 1. Time – 2. Now the Self in perceiving the Other coming into existence begins to experience the Everything in...
Self – 1. Balance – 3. The Self begins to percieve through the Heart Core that all vibrations of all Archetypes and all types of Relationships have a perfect point of Balance, a space where they are all in Union. This is the awakening of the Center of the...
Self – 1. Creation – 4. When the Self observes the experience of Creation in the Other, the Purpose for this dance of Archetypes and Relationships can be seen. One perceives Creation, now what? This is the moment of purpose, where the Self has an...