It was proposed to me recently that the Light Side of the Force seems to be more Yin in nature, while the Dark Side is more Yang. While one side might appear more passive and internal, and the other more active and external, Yin and Yang are fundamental Principles of...
…2:22am… As Scorpio rises, and the Ancient sign of the Dragon comes forth, Pluto enters Capricorn for the first time in over 200 years. Pluto, Hades, keeper of the Gates of Death and Rebirth, calls for the Structures that have both supported and bound the...
We the Free People of Planet Earth Declare all Lands and Life to be Sovereign and Sacred We Pledge our Allegiance to All Children For All Generations to Come It is with Absolute Gratitude and Humility That we May Breathe Clean Air That we May Drink Pure Water That we...
In case you didn’t know, today Pluto, Jupiter, Mercury, the New Moon, and the Sun are all conjunct (together) in the sky right around the location in Sagittarius that is the direction of our Galactic Center. It is a beautiful time for Rebirth, awakening of new...
The truth is, one doesn’t become a Hero and simply retire one day. One doesn’t become Enlightened and take the day off. In fact, I have experienced Oneness to the point that time simply stopped, and I laughed and God laughed, and we started time back up...
You were there before. If for a moment you let fall the judeo-christian idea of a terminal nature to the Soul’s experience on Earth, and even begin to consider the concept of having a continuous spirit body, it becomes quite apparent to many people that they...