Commitment to a Better World
Simply – I am privileged to know and collaborate with Adam, and I feel that his depth of understanding and commitment to a better world are unequivocal.
His insights, leadership, and love for humanity stand out in the crowd. He is an incredible human being.

Reliable, Visionary, Responsible
Adam always impresses me as a very reliable, passionate, visionary and responsible person who we would willingly recommend to any of Adam’s future employers.
Public Speaking & Team Management
Our firm engaged Adam’s creative insight while researching and developing Rethos.com, a social media project that was conceived and launched in 2007. Our executive team was particularly impressed with Adam’s knowledge of and personal passion for the spheres of online media and civil society. In addition, I have had exposure and can attest to Adam’s well developed skills in public speaking and team management.
Business Acumen & Technical Know-How
Adam Apollo is a visionary. He brings together a rare combination of precise business acumen, superior technical know-how, and unstoppable will. Uncompromisingly engaged in landing his visions, Adam is able to communicate with superior clarity to diverse audiences, from multi-million dollar boardrooms to desert tents.
Any team pursuing business, technical, and world-transforming goals would be truly lucky to count Adam Apollo among it’s membership.

Brilliant and Considerate
Adam is brilliant and brings many back into alignment with his ability to reach beyond and bring back focus. He is detailed and an excellent web designer taking care and consideration of the clients needs while performing an excellent job.
Technical Proficiency & Passion
Adam brings extraordinary vision, commitment and energy to his work. When partnering with him, we receive the dual benefit of his technical proficiency as well as his deeply inspired passion.